Chaps, Bits, Headstalls
Nice Working-Suede Chaps
These suede chaps are just like new. I think Bonny used them for her relatively short-lived drill team experience. They are nice and soft with the inside zipper measuring 28 inches; Concho lock; Boot cut; Size Medium; New these were about $150; Asking $100 + shipping
Headstalls – ShooFlys – Slobber Straps
Buckaroo-Style Headstall ($95 + Shipping) 
Reddish/Brown Headstall w/Blackhills Gold Heart Concho ($50 + Shipping)
Two ShooFlys – 1 ft. long w/Rawhide Accents ($30 for both + Shipping)
Tooled – Flower Print Slobber Staps ($15 + Shipping)